Michael van den Bos: ” Through smart weighing and registration we have reduced the percentage of give-away by 1,5 percent on our most important product.”

Looye Kwekers chooses smart weighing and registration of LRE

Productielijn Looye Kwekers door LRE Solutions

The collaboration between LRE and Looye started at the beginning of 2018. The company was looking for a new partner to replace the scales. LRE and Looye came into contact with each other through a joint partner. The use of smart weighing and registration had not gone unnoticed. The company was already aware of the benefits of smart weighing and registration. In close collaboration with the overall wishes and needs, close cooperation was sought to replace all the scales and software in total.

A project of 120 smart scales

The scales and software have been implemented in seperate phases. In total there are 120 smart scales installed across 8 production lines and 1 sorting line, all communicating wirelessly with the software. The software can be used to send products to the scales. The software offers a live overview of every operation performed on the DTS-V scale. In addition, there are various reporting options that offer insight into: accuracy, productivity and product quality.

Slim wegen en registeren van tomaten
Slim wegen van tomaten bij Looye Kwekers

Saving on product and labor

The hardware and software project is currently in the final phase.
“We are very satisfied with the labor and product savings that we now achieve through smart weighing and registration. We have reduced the give-away percentage on our most important product by 1.5 percent. In terms of labor, we have been able to achieve an estimated saving of around 5 percent. The total package is operational for half a year, we expect to earn back the investment within 1 year,” says assistant packaging manager Michael van den Bos.

A unique module is the smiley functionality. The DTS-V display shows a green smiley if the packing speed, in kilograms per hour, is on or above the average of all employees on the same production line.
The employees of Looye experience the positive feedback as an extra incentive to achieve a green smiley and, above all, to hold on to it. “We have a few fanatics who do everything to hold the green smiley all day,” said Michael.

“We are currently working hard on the final fine-tuning of the solution,” says project manager at LRE Wim van der Plas. “We are proud of a satisfied customer like Looye Kwekers and will continue to work with each other on a close cooperation in the coming years. We continue to optimize our smart technology and support Looye wherever possible in order to achieve further savings in the future.’’

Overzicht productielijn bij Looye Kwekers

LRE supports customers worldwide
with smart weighing and registration

LRE has been committed to smart weighing and registering for years with its own, developed weighing solution, the DTS-V series. The weighing solution is equipped with various smart modules, whereby the company supports customers worldwide through smart weighing and registration. “By realizing a saving and optimizing the efficiency of labor and product, the system can quickly pay for itself. For some of our customers, the system is already recouped within six months ”, says the director of LRE Roel Borgman.


Advice or more information?

Smart weighing and registration.

Would you like to have more information about this project or about our smart weighing and registration solutions? Feel free to visit the page with the DTS-V series in various setups. Our smart weighing solution helps you reduce give-away and optimize performances. Or view the overview of the smart software, which directly supports an insight into work and product.

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