Update DTS-V with smiley function.
Update DTS-V with smiley function.
An effective way to optimize the performance.
Last week LRE has updated 60 of our DTS-V scales with an unique smiley functionality at our customer Den Berk.
The smiley functionality is an effective way to optimize the performance of each employee. A colored smiley will be displayed (real time)
to show the employee if he meets the preset packing rate p/m.
The smiley will be adjusted periodically on the bases of an average number of packages per hour.
ABOUT Den Berk
As a dynamic tomato grower Den Berk carries concepts such as: innovation, sustainability and quality. In addition to a private cultivation of tomatoes Den Berk has its own packing facility. The company is constantly working to innovate their production process.
Den Berk is one of the first pioneers in the horticultural world with a sustainable investment in antireflection and diffuse glass.
Don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts are looking forward to get in contact.