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    Mo -Fri
    08:30 – 17:00


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      Frequently Asked Questions

      Yes, we usually do this with our dealers worldwide. An overview of our dealer network can be found on this page.

      Starting from the delivery date LRE applies a warranty of one year. The warranty is only valid if there is established that there is a manufacturing defect or defective part within the warranty. Self-inflicted damage is not covered by the warranty. The user accepts that LRE is not liable for the damages a cost when the production is off and profit and sales losses.

      You can reach LRE Solutions on Monday through Friday between 08:30 and 17:00.

      De DTS-V can be used for various products as: Tomatoes, Soft Fruits, Grapes, Herbs, Meat, Fish and Ready Meals.

      The DTS-V has a standard IP65 resistance class. Is the scale in a humid environment? Please let us know.

      We have various communication setups as: RS232, RS422, Ethernet and Wi-Fi.

      Yes, we offer the DTS-V in a: 3, 6, 15, 30, 60 or 150 kilograms solutions.

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